Video Intelligence will transform the way government do things

In search of the new Death Star plans, the rebels secretly planted thousands of cameras within the Empire in hope of finding clues. However, with thousands of videos and facing a deadline, how can the rebels possibly search for information within videos?! Fortunately, in a galaxy not far away...

On a more serious note…

VideoSpace Search Engine can be utilized within various types of government agencies which have an immediate need for video intelligence. For example:

  • Intelligence, Public Safety and Monitoring - where massive amounts of videos can be indexed and searched.

  • National Archives and Libraries – where media libraries exist, waiting to be discovered

  • Education – implementation of video learning strategy at the national level

  • Political Arena – Parliamentary and/or Senate sessions where speeches, debates and sessions are recorded. Thus also need to be searched or researched.

  • Training and Learning - provide multi-media and multi-lingual videos for learning or training purposes where users can search thousands of videos.

  • Communications - where a single language video can be automatically subtitled into another language and creating Video SEO in multiple languages.

For a list of services that we provide, please click HERE.